Sunday, June 17, 2012

What makes a father happy? Could it be a self-confident daughter!

Happy Father's Day, Dad! Tell us what makes you happy to have a daughter(s)? What have you done to help her? How have you contributed to the development of your little girl to be or become a strong, confident woman.

Sharn's Dad has always encouraged her to follow her dreams - as a tennis player in her early childhood (teaching her at the age of 9) and spending endless hours on the court with her all the way through her high school tennis team years. Then, as an cartoonist and female entrepreneur. (He took her to a franchise show when she was 8!) He still acts as her essential sounding board, LISTENING to her talk about her plans for Chloe Pink (that's me) and helping her create plans of action. She wouldn't have nowhere near the tough minded 'tude to keep on following her dreams in spite of the many obstacles without him and the groundwork of fatherly advice and encouragement he's given her all these years. So, in a way I guess you could say, without Sharn's Dad, there might not be a "me." I'm just sayin. You know - A little cartoon girl who encourages girls to follow her dreams. I wonder where I got that idea from? (Hint. Sharn's Dad!) XO, Chloe Pink

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