Did you see the Oscars last night? Did you hear the winners' speeches? Everyone seemed to be thanking many people....their supporters! We all need them you know. (Not just actors.)
So, I dedicate today's cartoon to all you supporters out there. You know who you are! The teachers, the coaches, the parents, the friends...Anyone and everyone who has ever been there for another person. Young or old. During good times and not so good times to show that you care...To give a much needed boost of support. To pat someone else on the back. To tell someone to follow their dreams.
I've been lucky to have supporters of my creativity all through my life. From my parents to a few teachers to the person who gave me my first shot in the ad agency business.
Daily I have my family, my friends and my Chloe Pink family. This weekend, I had the support of several professional performers who helped me at the Young Audiences workshop. I was totally outside of my comfort zone trying to learn more about Arts In Education performances. It amazed me to receive real guidance and support of several incredibly talented YA performers I met at Woodruff Arts Center this past weekend. Thanks you guys!
This helps you grow in life. This helps you reach towards your goals. With the support of others. So I dedicate to this cartoon today to all you supporters out there. We, me, you, him, her, she, they couldn't do it without you!
Copyright © Sharna Fulton 2011. All Rights Reserved.
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