As you cyber space out today, why not consider some gifts for your daughter that encourage her athleticism, her moxie, her artistic talent, her creative flair, her ear for music...You know. Her individuality -- Not her sexuality. Like say for instance, a tennis racquet? Ballet lessons? An easel from the local craft store? A flute or violin? Or even The Chloe Pink Doodle & Dream Coloring Book that helps her apply color to her own drawings and not her face. And sends her the message that she is valued as a PERSON -- you know, a human BEING --not as a primped up girly girl who's worth is primarily measured by her falsified looks. As my dad, John Fulton, reminded me the other day, Chloe Pink™ is a natural teacher of girls. And where she aims to lead your daughter is to the undeniable fact that: SHE is valuable. SHE is loved. And SHE has all the tools and unique abilities and character traits to make a rich, meaningful life for herself. And it's okay to put her own goals and dreams first. It's never too early and never too late. The five star (highest rating on Amazon.com) Chloe Pink Doodle & Dream Coloring Book is all about letting a girl express her own individuality through page after page of doodle spaces, pictures to color and fill in the blank pages. As Emily Yewell Volin, Teaching Artist and Choreographer, who empowers people through dance suggests in her review, don't just buy one, buy 3 or 8...as dreams evolve and dreams change! The book is available on Amazon.com or you can email sharna.fulton@att.net for your signed copy. And help your daughter follow HER dreams. At just 7.95 plus shipping, you might even be able to stuff in some crayons and ballet shoes and a can of tennis balls in her stocking, too.
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