Mr. Mikey: So Chloe Pink...Did I pronounce your name correctly?
Chloe Pink: Word, Mr. Mikey.
Mr. Mikey: Tell us, then (ahem) Chloe Pink, why a book? Why now?
Chloe Pink: Because, Mr. Mikey....my peeps were going to be at the Decatur Book Festival on September 4 and 5. So I figured the best way I'd get to see them would be by looking up at their nose stuck inside a very good book. Makes sense, dontcha think?
Mr Mikey: And who are these "peeps" you refer to? Little chickens?
Chloe Pink: You funny, Mr. Mikey. Seriously. You don't know my peeps? Why, it's every girl aged 3-103!
Mr. Mikey: What about boys?
Chloe Pink: Oh, Mr. Mikey. I see I've hurt your feelings a little. You are certainly invited to follow your dreams with Chloe Pink, too. Just a lot of boys won't admit they like the color pink, which happens to be my last name and the color of my baseball cap and scarf.
Mr. Mikey: Yes. I can see that. Nice hat, by the way...And why aged 3-103?
Chloe Pink: Because that's the average age span of a girl who can have a happy and fulfilled life.
Mr. Mikey: So what you're saying is that in order to be happy, a girl simply has to follow her dreams.
Chloe Pink: Exactly! And that's why I've got a new 48 page Chloe Pink Doodle & Dream Coloring Book.
Mr. Mikey: I notice you refer to yourself in the 3rd person a lot...
Chloe Pink: It is what it is Mr. Mikey...What's a cartoon character to do?
Mr. Mikey: Point taken CP. Now about the book?
Chloe Pink: Oh right, right...the book. I look at it as a road map that enables girls get to their dreams.
Mr. Mikey: A road map?
Chloe Pink: Well, not literally, Mr. Mikey. Figuratively. You do know the difference right? Just nod. Right. You see, it's impossible to follow a dream if you don't know what or where it is!
Mr. Mikey: Touche' Chloe Pink.
Chloe Pink: But if you can write your dreams down and color fun pictures of me rooting for your success... you're able to draw them (those dreams) out of you...no pun intended. Well maybe a little pun intended...The Chloe Pink Doodle & Draw Coloring Book is all about letting girls express themselves creatively.
Mr. Mikey: Hmmm. Deep.
Chloe Pink: Ohhh. It's deep alright, Mr. Mikey. But sometimes a girl needs to do a little soul searching to find out what her dreams are so she can follow them...
Mr. Mikey: uh huh...
Chloe Pink: The Chloe Pink Doodle & Dream Coloring Book let's girls do just that in a fun, easy and never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever done before way!
Mr. Mikey: Phew! I was worried you were never going to finish that sentence! We'll be right back with Chloe Pink after these words from our sponsor, the Craftymatic Spoonforkspaghetti Eater.
(Audience applause)
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